Stories Tagged: US Senate

Leadership and Problem-Solving for an Exhausted Electorate

Collin Allred and Dr. Bensson Samuel, both candidates for the US Senate, share their visions for... (2 revisions)

Nigeria Introduces New National Anthem Reflecting Unity and Progress

The decision by the National Assembly to return Nigeria to the old National Anthem is generating... (9 revisions)

Historic Senate Race: Lisa Blunt Rochester's Bid for Change

As the November 5, 2024, election approaches, Representative Lisa Blunt Rochester is poised to... (10 revisions)

Connecticut Republicans Choose Matt Corey to Challenge Democratic Senator Chris Murphy

Connecticut Republicans have selected Matt Corey to challenge Democratic US Sen. Chris Murphy in... (16 revisions)

Justin Amash, a Palestinian-American, Announces US Senate Bid in Michigan

Justin Amash, a former US Representative from western Michigan, whose parents are Palestinian... (18 revisions)

ISU Professor to Testify Before Federal Lawmakers on Water Scarcity in the US

Senate Minority Leader Aquilino Pimentel III has appealed to the Philippines' allies to assist... (19 revisions)

Can Trump Halt the Yuan’s International Rise?

On January 15, 2025, the U.S. Senate held a confirmation hearing for Treasury Secretary Mr.... (80 revisions)